Akash Node Via Helm Charts

Build an Akash Node quickly and simply with a deployment onto your Kubernetes cluster via a ready to use Helm Chart.

The Akash Node build detailed takes advantage of “state sync” which allows rapid activation. State Sync allows a new node to join a network by fetching a snapshot of the state at a recent height instead of fetching and replaying all historical blocks. This can reduce the time needed to sync with the network from hours to minutes.

Steps in this guide include:

Prepare Kubernetes Cluster


In this section we will create necessary Kubernetes labels, install Helm, and ensure the necessary Helm repositories are available.

Create Necessary Kubernetes Labels

  • Create the akash-services label if not done so prior
kubectl create ns akash-services
kubectl label ns akash-services akash.network/name=akash-services akash.network=true

Install Helm

  • Install Helm for Kubernetes package management if not done so prior
  • Execute on these steps on a Kubernetes control plane node
wget https://get.helm.sh/helm-v3.11.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
tar -zxvf helm-v3.11.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
install linux-amd64/helm /usr/local/bin/helm
###Remove any potential prior repo instances
helm repo remove akash
helm repo add akash https://akash-network.github.io/helm-charts

Update the Akash Helm Repo

helm repo update akash

Akash Node Installation

Uninstall Any Prior Node Instances

NOTE - if no previous Akash node instances are found the following message will be received and is expected

  • `Error: uninstall: Release not loaded: akash-node: release: not found`
helm -n akash-services uninstall akash-node

Install Akash Node as a Kubernetes Pod

helm install akash-node akash/akash-node -n akash-services

Expected/Sample Output

helm install akash-node akash/akash-node -n akash-services
NAME: akash-node
LAST DEPLOYED: Thu Jun 23 13:26:03 2022
NAMESPACE: akash-services
STATUS: deployed

Node Verifications

View Helm Chart Values

  • Utilize this step to ensure the installed Helm Chart user supplied variables are correct
  • The values were defined when we executed the helm install command with specified parameters
helm -n akash-services get values akash-node

Expected/Sample Output

  • If custom values were included with the helm install command the following output is expected (example)
helm -n akash-services get values akash-node
enabled: true
  • If no custom values were included with the helm install command the following output is expected

Verify Akash Node Pod Status

  • Confirm that the Akash Node pod is in a pristine state
kubectl get pods -n akash-services

Expected/Sample Output

kubectl get pods -n akash-services
akash-node-1-78954d745c-xgkhx 1/1 Running 0 50s

Verify Akash Node Sync via Logs

  • Ensure that the Akash Node pod has errors of concerns in logs and that the blockchain sync is progressing
  • Replace the name-of-pod variable with akash-node pod name displayed in the previous step
kubectl logs <name-of-pod> -n akash-services | grep -iv peer | tail

Expected/Sample Output

kubectl logs akash-node-1-78954d745c-xgkhx -n akash-services | grep -iv peer | tail
2:07PM INF Applied snapshot chunk to ABCI app chunk=16 format=1 height=6442000 module=statesync total=26
2:07PM INF Applied snapshot chunk to ABCI app chunk=17 format=1 height=6442000 module=statesync total=26
2:07PM INF Applied snapshot chunk to ABCI app chunk=18 format=1 height=6442000 module=statesync total=26
2:07PM INF Applied snapshot chunk to ABCI app chunk=19 format=1 height=6442000 module=statesync total=26
2:07PM INF Discovered new snapshot format=1 hash=":��6u�^�/G号Ĝ��d]��W�]/\x11�S�N*�" height=6443000 module=statesync
2:07PM INF Discovered new snapshot format=1 hash="�\x1bkn\x18��_��\x06���8��,��\f�Jp�\x01Ft�\t�~" height=6442500 module=statesync
2:07PM INF Applied snapshot chunk to ABCI app chunk=20 format=1 height=6442000 module=statesync total=26
2:07PM INF Applied snapshot chunk to ABCI app chunk=21 format=1 height=6442000 module=statesync total=26
2:07PM INF Applied snapshot chunk to ABCI app chunk=22 format=1 height=6442000 module=statesync total=26
2:07PM INF Applied snapshot chunk to ABCI app chunk=23 format=1 height=6442000 module=statesync total=26

Akash Node Status

Access Pod Shell

  • Access the Kubernetes shell of the Akash Node deployment to view sync status
kubectl exec --stdin --tty -n akash-services <pod-name> -- /bin/bash

Verify Node Status

akash status
Expected/Sample Output
  • Note the following expected values:
    • catching_up - should be false once your Node is in sync with the blockchain
    • latest_block_height - compare this block height with the latest height on a block explorer as another method of validating if the node is in sync or if not in sync how close to completing that process the node may be
kubectl exec --stdin --tty -n akash-services akash-node-1-78954d745c-g46pf -- /bin/bash
root@akash-node-1-78954d745c-g46pf:/# akash status

Additional Node Verification

STEP 1 - From the K8s Control-Plane Node

export AKASH_NODE="http://$(kubectl -n akash-services get ep akash-node-1 -o jsonpath='{.subsets[0].addresses[0].ip}'):26657"
curl -s "$AKASH_NODE/status" | jq -r .

STEP 2 - From a Remote Address (Outside the K8s Network)

  • Use kubectl port-forward for forwarding the akash node (RPC) port 26657/tcp to your local station.
Forward 26657 to
kubectl -n akash-services port-forward service/akash-node-1 26657:26657

Expected/Example Output

$ kubectl -n akash-services port-forward service/akash-node-1 26657:26657
Forwarding from -> 26657
Forwarding from [::1]:26657 -> 26657
Put the kubectl port-forward Process into Background
  • Press Ctrl+Z and type bg + Enter as follows:
[1]+ Stopped kubectl -n akash-services port-forward service/akash-node-1 26657:26657
$ bg
[1]+ kubectl -n akash-services port-forward service/akash-node-1 26657:26657 &
Access the RPC as if it were Running Locally
curl -s | jq -r .
Stop kubectl port-forward When Done Testing
$ jobs
[1]+ Running kubectl -n akash-services port-forward service/akash-node-1 26657:26657 &
$ kill %1
$ jobs
[1]+ Terminated kubectl -n akash-services port-forward service/akash-node-1 26657:26657

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