Bid Engine Service


Code Review

1). Provider Service Calls/Initiates the BidEngine Service

Source code reference location

bidengine, err := bidengine.NewService(ctx, session, cluster, bus, waiter, bidengine.Config{
PricingStrategy: cfg.BidPricingStrategy,
Deposit: cfg.BidDeposit,
BidTimeout: cfg.BidTimeout,
Attributes: cfg.Attributes,
MaxGroupVolumes: cfg.MaxGroupVolumes,

2). BidEngine Calls/Initiates an Event Bus to Monitor New Orders

The NewService function called from provider/bidengine/service.go checks for existing orders and subscribes to a RPC node event bus for new order processing.

Eventually the run method in this package is called with a service type passed in.

Source code reference location

func NewService(ctx context.Context, session session.Session, cluster cluster.Cluster, bus pubsub.Bus, waiter waiter.OperatorWaiter, cfg Config) (Service, error) {
session = session.ForModule("bidengine-service")
existingOrders, err := queryExistingOrders(ctx, session)
if err != nil {
session.Log().Error("finding existing orders", "err", err)
return nil, err
sub, err := bus.Subscribe()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
s := &service{
session: session,
cluster: cluster,
bus: bus,
sub: sub,
statusch: make(chan chan<- *Status),
orders: make(map[string]*order),
drainch: make(chan *order),
lc: lifecycle.New(),
cfg: cfg,
pass: providerAttrService,
waiter: waiter,
go, existingOrders)

3). BidEngine Loop is Created to React to New Order Receipt and Then Process Order

Within the run function of provider/bidengine/service.go an endless for loop monitors for events placed onto a channel.

When an event of type EventOrderCreated is seen a call to the newOrder function - which exists in provider/bidengine/order.go - is initiated. The newOrder function call creates a new manager for a specific order.

for {
select {
case <
break loop
case ev := <-s.sub.Events():
switch ev := ev.(type) { // nolint: gocritic
case mtypes.EventOrderCreated:
// new order
key := mquery.OrderPath(ev.ID)
s.session.Log().Info("order detected", "order", key)
if order := s.orders[key]; order != nil {
s.session.Log().Debug("existing order", "order", key)
// create an order object for managing the bid process and order lifecycle
order, err := newOrder(s, ev.ID, s.cfg, s.pass, false)
if err != nil {
s.session.Log().Error("handling order", "order", key, "err", err)
s.orders[key] = order

4). Order/Bid Process Manager Uses Perpetual Loop for Event Processing and to Complete Each Step in Bid Process

When the newOrder function within order.go is called in the previous step, an order struct is populated and then passed to the run method.

Source code reference location

order := &order{
cfg: cfg,
orderID: oid,
session: session,
cluster: svc.cluster,
bus: svc.bus,
sub: sub,
log: log,
lc: lifecycle.New(),
reservationFulfilledNotify: reservationFulfilledNotify, // Normally nil in production
pass: pass,
// Run main loop in separate thread.

Run Function

Within the run function details of the order are fetched.

// Begin fetching group details immediately.
groupch = runner.Do(func() runner.Result {
res, err := o.session.Client().Query().Group(ctx, &dtypes.QueryGroupRequest{ID: o.orderID.GroupID()})
return runner.NewResult(res.GetGroup(), err)

groupch Channel

Still within the run function, a perpetual for loop awaits order group details to be sent to a channel named groupch. When order/group details are placed onto that channel, the shouldBid method is called.

Eventually the result of calling shouldBid will be placed onto the shouldBidCh provoking further upstream order processing. But prior to review upstream steps we will detail the shouldBid function logic.

case result := <-groupch:
// Group details fetched.
groupch = nil
o.log.Info("group fetched")
if result.Error() != nil {
o.log.Error("fetching group", "err", result.Error())
break loop
res := result.Value().(dtypes.Group)
group = &res
shouldBidCh = runner.Do(func() runner.Result {
return runner.NewResult(o.shouldBid(group))

shouldBidCh Channel

When a result from the prior step is placed onto the shouldBinCh channel, the shouldBid function - also located within provider/bidengine/order.go - processes several validations to determine if the provider should bid on the order.

case result := <-shouldBidCh:
shouldBidCh = nil

The validations include:

  • MatchAttributes - return unable to fulfill if provider does not possess necessary attributes
  • MatchResourcesRequirements - return unable to fulfill if provider does not possess required, available resources
  • SignedBy - return attribute signature requirements not met if provider does not possess required audited attributes
if !group.GroupSpec.MatchAttributes(o.session.Provider().Attributes) {
o.log.Debug("unable to fulfill: incompatible provider attributes")
return false, nil
// does provider have required capabilities?
if !group.GroupSpec.MatchResourcesRequirements(attr) {
o.log.Debug("unable to fulfill: incompatible attributes for resources requirements", "wanted", group.GroupSpec, "have", attr)
return false, nil
signatureRequirements := group.GroupSpec.Requirements.SignedBy
if signatureRequirements.Size() != 0 {
// Check that the signature requirements are met for each attribute
var provAttr []atypes.Provider
ownAttrs := atypes.Provider{
Owner: o.session.Provider().Owner,
Auditor: "",
Attributes: o.session.Provider().Attributes,
ok := group.GroupSpec.MatchRequirements(provAttr)
if !ok {
o.log.Debug("attribute signature requirements not met")
return false, nil

Should either MatchAttributes, MatchResourcesRequirements, or SignedBy evaluations fail to satisfy requirements, a boolean false is returned. If the result evaluates to false - meaning one of the validations does not satisfy requirements, shouldBid is set to false, the loop is exited, and a log message of decline to bid on the order is populated.

shouldBid := result.Value().(bool)
if !shouldBid {
o.log.Debug("declined to bid")
break loop

The next step will begin the Kubernetes cluster reservation of requested resources.

While the bid process proceeds the reservation of resources in the Provider’s Kubernetes cluster occurs via a call to the cluster.Reserve method. If the bid is not won the reservation will be cancelled.

If the provider is capable of satisfying all of the requirements of the order the result is placed onto the clusterch channel which provokes the next step of order processing.

clusterch = runner.Do(metricsutils.ObserveRunner(func() runner.Result {
v := runner.NewResult(o.cluster.Reserve(o.orderID, group))
return v
}, reservationDuration))

The Reserve function called - the result of which is placed onto the clusterch channel - is called from provider.service.go.

func (s *service) Reserve(order mtypes.OrderID, resources atypes.ResourceGroup) (ctypes.Reservation, error) {
return s.inventory.reserve(order, resources)

clusterch Channel

When a result from the prior step is placed onto the clusterch channel, an analysis is made to ensure no errors were encountered during the Kubernetes cluster reservation. If not error is found a log entry of Reservation fulfilled is populated.

case result := <-clusterch:
clusterch = nil
if result.Error() != nil {
reservationCounter.WithLabelValues(metricsutils.OpenLabel, metricsutils.FailLabel)
o.log.Error("reserving resources", "err", result.Error())
break loop
reservationCounter.WithLabelValues(metricsutils.OpenLabel, metricsutils.SuccessLabel)
o.log.Info("Reservation fulfilled")

If the Kubernetes cluster reservation for the order is successful, the result of calling the CalculatePrice method (using the order specs as input) is placed onto the pricech channel which provokes the next step of order processing.

Calling CalculatePrice provokes the logic to determine price extended thru bid response.

pricech = runner.Do(metricsutils.ObserveRunner(func() runner.Result {
// Calculate price & bid
return runner.NewResult(o.cfg.PricingStrategy.CalculatePrice(ctx, group.GroupID.Owner, &group.GroupSpec))
}, pricingDuration))

The CalculatePrice function is located in /bidengine/pricing.go and will determine the price used in bid response to the order. The price will be dictated by the order specs - I.e. CPU/memory/storage/replicas, etc - and the Provider’s pricing script which defines per specification price.

Source code reference location

func (fp scalePricing) CalculatePrice(_ context.Context, _ string, gspec *dtypes.GroupSpec) (sdk.DecCoin, error) {
// Use unlimited precision math here.
// Otherwise a correctly crafted order could create a cost of '1' given
// a possible configuration
cpuTotal := decimal.NewFromInt(0)
memoryTotal := decimal.NewFromInt(0)
storageTotal := make(Storage)
for k := range fp.storageScale {
storageTotal[k] = decimal.NewFromInt(0)
endpointTotal := decimal.NewFromInt(0)
ipTotal := decimal.NewFromInt(0).Add(fp.ipScale)
ipTotal = ipTotal.Mul(decimal.NewFromInt(int64(util.GetEndpointQuantityOfResourceGroup(gspec, atypes.Endpoint_LEASED_IP))))

pricech Channel

When a result from the prior step is placed onto the pricech channel, an analysis is made to ensure that the bid price is not larger than the max price defined in deployment manifest.

If the order gets past the maxPrice check the logs are populated with the submitting fulfillment with specified price message.

case result := <-pricech:
pricech = nil
if result.Error() != nil {
o.log.Error("error calculating price", "err", result.Error())
break loop
price := result.Value().(sdk.DecCoin)
maxPrice := group.GroupSpec.Price()
if maxPrice.IsLT(price) {
o.log.Info("Price too high, not bidding", "price", price.String(), "max-price", maxPrice.String())
break loop
o.log.Debug("submitting fulfillment", "price", price)

If the bid proceeds we eventually broadcast the bid to the blockchain and write the results of this transaction to the bidch channel which provokes additional upstream logic covered in the next section.

bidch = runner.Do(func() runner.Result {
return runner.NewResult(nil, o.session.Client().Tx().Broadcast(ctx, msg))

bidch Channel

When a result from the prior step is placed onto the bidch channel, an error check is made to ensure the bid has not failed for any reason. And post this final bid validator a message is written to the provider logs of bid complete.

The Bid Engine Service logic for single bid processing is now complete. The Bid Engine perpetual loop will continue to monitor for new orders found on the blockchain and repeat reviewed order processing on each receipt.

case result := <-bidch:
bidch = nil
if result.Error() != nil {
bidCounter.WithLabelValues(metricsutils.OpenLabel, metricsutils.FailLabel).Inc()
o.log.Error("bid failed", "err", result.Error())
break loop
o.log.Info("bid complete")
bidCounter.WithLabelValues(metricsutils.OpenLabel, metricsutils.SuccessLabel).Inc()
// Fulfillment placed.
bidPlaced = true
bidTimeout = o.getBidTimeout(

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