Manifest Service

Code Review

1). Provider Service Calls/Initiates the Manifest Service

Source code reference location

manifest, err := manifest.NewService(ctx, session, bus, cluster.HostnameService(), manifestConfig)
if err != nil {
session.Log().Error("creating manifest handler", "err", err)
return nil, err

2). Manifest Calls/Initiates an Event Bus to Monitor Lease Won Events

The NewService function called from provider/manifest/service.go subscribes to a RPC node event bus for new lease won processing.

Eventually the run method in this package is called with a service type passed in.

Source code reference location

func NewService(ctx context.Context, session session.Session, bus pubsub.Bus, hostnameService clustertypes.HostnameServiceClient, cfg ServiceConfig) (Service, error) {
session = session.ForModule("provider-manifest")
sub, err := bus.Subscribe()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
s := &service{
session: session,
bus: bus,
sub: sub,
statusch: make(chan chan<- *Status),
mreqch: make(chan manifestRequest),
activeCheckCh: make(chan isActiveCheck),
managers: make(map[string]*manager),
managerch: make(chan *manager),
lc: lifecycle.New(),
hostnameService: hostnameService,
config: cfg,
watchdogch: make(chan dtypes.DeploymentID),
watchdogs: make(map[dtypes.DeploymentID]*watchdog),
return s, nil

3). Monitor Service Loop is Created to React to New Lease Won Events

Within the run function of provider/manifest/service.go an endless for loop monitors for events placed onto a channel. When a event is received for the RPC node event bus of type LeaseWon the handleLease method is called.

for {
select {
case err := <
break loop
case ev := <-s.sub.Events():
switch ev := ev.(type) {
case event.LeaseWon:
if ev.LeaseID.GetProvider() != s.session.Provider().Address().String() {
s.session.Log().Info("lease won", "lease", ev.LeaseID)
s.handleLease(ev, true)

The handleLease method determines if a manager is active for the deployment via the ensureManager method. The manifest manager logic exists in provider/manifest/manager.go and handles the validation/application of the manifest when received from the tenant send manifest operation.

func (s *service) handleLease(ev event.LeaseWon, isNew bool) {
// Only run this if configured to do so
if isNew && s.config.ManifestTimeout > time.Duration(0) {
// Create watchdog if it does not exist AND a manifest has not been received yet
if watchdog := s.watchdogs[ev.LeaseID.DeploymentID()]; watchdog == nil {
watchdog = newWatchdog(s.session,, s.watchdogch, ev.LeaseID, s.config.ManifestTimeout)
s.watchdogs[ev.LeaseID.DeploymentID()] = watchdog
manager := s.ensureManager(ev.LeaseID.DeploymentID())

New Manifest Manager instance is initiated by calling the newManager function in provider/manifest/manager.go with the service type and deployment ID (DSEQ) passed in as arguments.

func (s *service) ensureManager(did dtypes.DeploymentID) (manager *manager) {
manager = s.managers[dquery.DeploymentPath(did)]
if manager == nil {
manager = newManager(s, did)
s.managers[dquery.DeploymentPath(did)] = manager
return manager

4). Manifest Manager Logic

Source code reference location

The newManager function calls the run method - passing in the manager struct that includes the leasech channel - which invokes a perpetual for loop to await events on various channels.

The manifest manager instance is returned to the handleLease method in service.go.

func newManager(h *service, daddr dtypes.DeploymentID) *manager {
session := h.session.ForModule("manifest-manager")
return m

The handleLease method in service.go continues and calls another handleLease method in manager.go passing in lease events received on the bus.

func (s *service) handleLease(ev event.LeaseWon, isNew bool) {
manager := s.ensureManager(ev.LeaseID.DeploymentID())

The handleLease method in manager.go puts the event onto the leasech channel.

func (m *manager) handleLease(ev event.LeaseWon) {
select {
case m.leasech <- ev:
case <
m.log.Error("not running: handle manifest", "lease", ev.LeaseID)

When the manifest manager run method receives an event on the leasech channel the maybeFetchData method is called and results is placed onto the runch channel.

func (m *manager) run(donech chan<- *manager) {
for {
select {
case ev := <-m.leasech:
m.log.Info("new lease", "lease", ev.LeaseID)
runch = m.maybeFetchData(ctx, runch)

The maybeFetchData method attempts to fetch deployment and lease data with associated downstream logic.

func (m *manager) maybeFetchData(ctx context.Context, runch <-chan runner.Result) <-chan runner.Result {
if runch != nil {
return runch
if !m.fetched || time.Since(m.fetchedAt) > m.config.CachedResultMaxAge {
return m.fetchData(ctx)
return runch

5). Receipt of Manifest from Tenant Send to Provider

A method of name Submit is included in provider/manifest/service.go which accepts incoming manifest sends from the deployer/tenant to the provider. The function is initiated via an incoming HTTP post detailed subsequently.

func (s *service) Submit(ctx context.Context, did dtypes.DeploymentID, mani manifest.Manifest) error {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case s.mreqch <- req:
case <
return ErrNotRunning
case <
return ErrNotRunning

The Submit method is called when a HTTP post - which contains the Akash manifest in the body - is received on an endpoint and handler written/registered in provider/gateway/rest/router.go.

HTTP Endpoint

createManifestHandler(log, pclient.Manifest())).
lrouter := router.PathPrefix(leasePathPrefix).Subrouter()

Request Handler

Note the call of the Submit method which is the provider/manifest/service.go function shown prior. The Deployment ID and manifest are sent to Submit as received in the HTTP post from the tenant’s send manifest action following lease creation with a provider.

func createManifestHandler(log log.Logger, mclient pmanifest.Client) http.HandlerFunc {
if err := mclient.Submit(subctx, requestDeploymentID(req), mani); err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, manifestValidation.ErrInvalidManifest) {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusUnprocessableEntity)

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