Dash is an open-source web framework for Python that enables you to build interactive web applications, typically for data visualization, using Plotly. It’s particularly useful for creating complex dashboards with minimal coding effort.
Prepare Your Dash App
Make sure you have a Dash app ready and Dockerized. If not, you can use the official Docker image for Dash by Plotly. Here’s a simple example of a Dash app:
You can create a Dockerfile to containerize this app:
Build your Docker image locally:
Create Your Akash Deployment YAML
To deploy to Akash, you need an SDL file. Here’s a sample deploy.yml
Deploy to Akash
Before deploying your app on Akash, ensure you have the following prerequisites:
Akash Network Account: You should have an account on the Akash Network with sufficient AKT tokens to deploy the service.
Akash CLI or Console Access: Set up and configured on your machine.
Using Akash CLI
- Deploy the App:
- Monitor Deployment:
- Get Service URL: After deployment, you can find your service URL and access your Dash app.
Deploy Using Akash Console
Log in to Akash Console: Go to the Akash Dashboard and connect your wallet.
Create a New Deployment:
Navigate to the “Deployments” section.
Upload your deploy.yml file.
Follow the instructions to complete the deployment.
Monitor: Check the status of your deployment through the console.
Access: Once the deployment is live, you can access your Dash app via the provided URL.