
  • PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL is a powerful, open-source, object-relational database system known for its robustness, feature set, and SQL compliance. It supports advanced data types, concurrency, and scalability, making it suitable for small to enterprise-level applications.

  • Akash Network: Akash is a decentralized cloud platform that enables users to deploy applications in a cost-effective, secure, and censorship-resistant manner. Using Akash, developers can deploy containerized applications such as PostgreSQL without relying on traditional centralized cloud providers.

Key Steps to Deploy PostgreSQL on Akash

  1. Set Up Akash CLI:

    • Install the Akash CLI by following the official guide.
    • Configure your wallet and fund it with AKT tokens to pay for deployments.
  2. Prepare the PostgreSQL Docker Image:

    • Choose a PostgreSQL Docker image, such as the official postgres image from Docker Hub.
    • Ensure the image meets your configuration needs (version, extensions, etc.).
  3. Define an SDL File for the Deployment:

    • The SDL (Service Definition Language) file defines the deployment’s requirements, such as resource allocation, container configuration, and environment variables.

Sample SDL File for PostgreSQL Deployment

Below is an example SDL file to deploy PostgreSQL on Akash:

version: "2.0"
image: postgres:latest
POSTGRES_USER: "your_username"
POSTGRES_PASSWORD: "your_password"
POSTGRES_DB: "your_database"
- port: 5432
as: 5432
- global: true
units: 1
size: 1Gi
size: 10Gi
region: us-west
denom: uakt
amount: 100
profile: postgres-db
count: 1

Key Sections of the SDL File

  1. services:

    • Defines the container image to use (postgres:latest).
    • Configures environment variables (POSTGRES_USER, POSTGRES_PASSWORD, POSTGRES_DB) to initialize PostgreSQL.
    • Exposes PostgreSQL on port 5432 and makes it accessible globally.
  2. profiles:

    • compute: Specifies resource allocation (CPU, memory, and storage).
    • placement: Determines the deployment’s region and cost pricing for Akash.
  3. deployment:

    • Maps the service (postgres-db) to the compute profile and specifies the number of container instances (count: 1).

Steps to Deploy

  1. Validate the SDL File:

    • Run the following command to ensure your SDL file is valid:
      Terminal window
      akash deploy validate <your-sdl-file>.yaml
  2. Create the Deployment:

    • Deploy the PostgreSQL service using:
      Terminal window
      akash tx deployment create <your-sdl-file>.yaml --from <your-wallet>
  3. Bid on the Deployment:

    • After creating the deployment, Akash providers will bid on your job.
    • Accept a bid to finalize the deployment.
  4. Access the PostgreSQL Service:

    • Use the lease details to retrieve the service’s public endpoint.
    • Connect to the PostgreSQL instance using a client or application:
      Terminal window
      psql -h <service-ip> -U <your_username> -d <your_database>

Tips and Best Practices

  • Backup Your Data: Use persistent storage or an external volume to ensure your PostgreSQL data is retained after container restarts.
  • Secure Connections: Use tools like SSH tunnels or VPNs to secure database access.
  • Scaling: Update the count value in the deployment section to increase the number of instances.

This guide provides a straightforward process to deploy PostgreSQL on Akash using a sample SDL file. Tailor the configurations to meet your application’s specific needs, and enjoy the cost-effective and decentralized benefits of Akash!


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