This guide assumes you have basic knowledge of Nue and are familiar with Docker and the Akash ecosystem.
1. Building a Vue.js Application
- Set up your Vue.js environment: Install Vue CLI if it’s not already installed:
- Create a new Vue.js project:
Follow the prompts to configure your project.
- Build your application for production:
The production-ready files will be located in the dist
2. Packaging for Deployment
Packaging for Deployment:
- Create a Dockerfile in your project root:
- Build the Docker image:
- Push the image to a container registry like Docker Hub or GHCR:
Set up an SDL file: Use your SDL template to create deploy.yaml:
3. Deploying the Application
Option 1: Using Akash CLI
Set up Akash CLI: Follow the Akash CLI setup guide.
Create and deploy your app:
- Fund your wallet: Follow the guide to fund your wallet.
- Deploy the SDL:
- Monitor deployment logs and get the lease ID:
Option 2: Using the Akash Console
Log in to the Akash Console: Open the Akash Console.
Create your deployment:
- Upload the
file in the deployment wizard. - Review the generated manifest and submit the deployment.
- Upload the
Select a provider: Choose a provider, bid on resources, and wait for the deployment to become active.
4. Verifying Your Deployment
Once your deployment is live: 1. Access your app through the IP and port provided by the Akash Network. 2. Configure your domain (if required) to point to the IP using an A record.