Fee Grants


Fee Grants allow the payment of transactions fees via a different account than the deployment account. If used in conjunction with authorized spend, this allows a user to create and manage a deployment with no AKT deducted from their own wallet.

Fee Grant Creation

The syntax to create a Fee Grant is as follows.


provider-services tx feegrant grant <granter-account> <grantee-account> --spend-limit <fee-amount-granted-in-uakt>

Example Command Use

provider-services tx feegrant grant akash1vuh6y4nurr45ujexq8nu8tlscdkl44ha7zwsy4 akash1ujp4fy4xxvfrqe4zqv7w3kzktz8wz8h2msaq2u --spend-limit 1000000uakt

Fee Grant Query

Query an existing Fee Grant as follows:


provider-services query feegrant grant <granter-account> <grantee-account>

Example Command Use

provider-services query feegrant grant akash1vuh6y4nurr45ujexq8nu8tlscdkl44ha7zwsy4 akash1ujp4fy4xxvfrqe4zqv7w3kzktz8wz8h2msaq2u

Example Output

provider-services query feegrant grant akash1vuh6y4nurr45ujexq8nu8tlscdkl44ha7zwsy4 akash1ujp4fy4xxvfrqe4zqv7w3kzktz8wz8h2msaq2u
'@type': /cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1.BasicAllowance
expiration: null
- amount: "1000000"
denom: uakt
grantee: akash1ujp4fy4xxvfrqe4zqv7w3kzktz8wz8h2msaq2u
granter: akash1vuh6y4nurr45ujexq8nu8tlscdkl44ha7zwsy4

Fee Grant Use

Once created a Fee Grant can be used on any transaction. In this section we provide examples of using an existing Fee Grant for Akash deployment related transactions.

Note that in these examples the use of the Fee Grant comes from the inclusion of the --fee-account switch in the command. Any transaction may use an available Fee Grant using this syntax.

Fee Grant Example - Publish Cert

provider-services tx cert publish client --from $AKASH_KEY_NAME --fee-account akash1vuh6y4nurr45ujexq8nu8tlscdkl44ha7zwsy4

Fee Grant Example - Create Deployment

provider-services tx deployment create deploy.yml --from $AKASH_KEY_NAME --fee-account akash1vuh6y4nurr45ujexq8nu8tlscdkl44ha7zwsy4

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