Akash Provider Streamlined Build with Rancher K3s

An Akash Provider leases compute to users launching new deployments. Follow the steps in this guide to build your own provider using a streamlined Kubernetes install process.

This guide uses a Rancher K3s to build a single control plane and worker node “all in one” Kubernetes cluster with little effort. The Kubernetes cluster is then utilized for the Akash Provider install and configuration steps.

Overview and links to the steps involved in Akash Provider Build using K3s:

STEP 1 - Install K3s and Initial Cluster Config


In this section we will deploy a Kubernetes control plane and worker node on a single server using Rancher K3s. The use of K3s allows a very simple Kubernetes cluster install appropriate for single server production and lab environments.

Install K3s

curl -sfL https://get.k3s.io | INSTALL_K3S_EXEC="--disable=traefik" sh -s -

Configure Kubeconfig

mkdir ~/.kube
sudo cat /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml | tee ~/.kube/config >/dev/null

Confirm Kubectl Access to the Kubernetes Cluster

kubectl get nodes
Expected/Example Output
kubectl get nodes
ip-172-31-3-111 Ready control-plane,master 3m4s v1.25.6+k3s1

Create Necessary Labels for the Akash Provider

kubectl create ns akash-services
kubectl label ns akash-services akash.network/name=akash-services akash.network=true
kubectl create ns ingress-nginx
kubectl label ns ingress-nginx app.kubernetes.io/name=ingress-nginx app.kubernetes.io/instance=ingress-nginx
kubectl create ns lease
kubectl label ns lease akash.network=true

Removing K3s

To uninstall K3s follow this link

STEP 2 - Install Akash CLI

Install the Akash CLI for Provider Use

cd ~
apt install jq -y
apt install unzip -y
curl -sfL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/akash-network/provider/main/install.sh | bash
echo 'alias provider-services="/root/bin/provider-services"' >> ~/.bashrc
. ~/.bashrc

Verify Akash CLI Install

provider-services version
Expected/Example Output
provider-services version

STEP 3 - Akash Provider Wallet

Placing a bid on an order requires a 0.5 AKT deposit placed into collateral per bid won. If the provider desired 2 concurrent leases, the provider’s wallet would need minimum funding of 10AKT.

As every deployment request bid requires 0.5 AKT to be deposited in the escrow account, it’s always good to have more so your provider can keep bidding. If your provider is ready to offer 10 deployments, then it’s best to have .5 x 10 = 5 AKT and a little more to make sure the provider can pay the fees for broadcasting the transactions on Akash Network.

The steps to create an Akash wallet are covered in the following documentation sections:

Import the Wallet onto the Akash Provider

  • Capture the Akash Account in the output of provider-services keys add for use in the subsequent step
###Replace YOUR_KEY_NAME
###Import keys using the mnemonic phrase from your Kepler wallet
provider-services keys add $AKASH_KEY_NAME --recover

Configure Network And Account Settings

export AKASH_NET="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/akash-network/net/main/mainnet"
export AKASH_CHAIN_ID="$(curl -s "$AKASH_NET/chain-id.txt")"
export AKASH_NODE="$(curl -s "$AKASH_NET/rpc-nodes.txt" | shuf -n 1)"
###Replace the YOUR_ACCOUNT variable with your provider account (I.e. akash1qt5jjuhwf1232vn7696s6y6c0lwfv2ggetz)

Check Provider Wallet Balance

provider-services query bank balances --node $AKASH_NODE $AKASH_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS
Expected/Example Output
provider-services query bank balances --node $AKASH_NODE $AKASH_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS
- amount: "30735641"
denom: uakt
next_key: null
total: "0"

STEP 4 - Export Provider Wallet

In this section we will export the pre-existing, funded wallet to store the private key in a local file. To conduct the commands in this section the Akash CLI must be installed which is detailed in this guide (STEP 1 only).

The wallet used will be used for the following purposes:

  • Pay for provider transaction gas fees
  • Pay for bid collateral which is discussed further in this section

Make sure to create a new Akash account for the provider and do not reuse an account used for deployment purposes. Bids will not be generated from your provider if the deployment orders are created with the same key as the provider.

List Available Keys

  • Print the key names available in the local OS keychain for use in the subsequent step
provider-services keys list

Example/Expected Output

provider-services keys list
- name: ""
type: local
address: akash1<redacted>
pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"<redacted>"}'
mnemonic: ""
- name: mykey
type: local
address: akash1<redacted>
pubkey: '{"@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey","key":"<redacted>"}'
mnemonic: ""

Export Private Key to Local File

  • The key-name can be any name of your choice
  • Note the passphrase used to protect the private key as it will be used in future steps

NOTE - The passhprase MUST be at least 8 characters long. Otherwise provider will encounter failed to decrypt private key: ciphertext decryption failed error when keys import is executed.

STEP 1 - Export Provider Key

cd ~
provider-services keys export mykey1
Expected/Example Output
provider-services keys export mykey1
Enter passphrase to encrypt the exported key:
Enter keyring passphrase:
kdf: bcrypt
type: secp256k1

STEP 2 - Create key.pem and Copy Output Into File

  • Copy the contents of the prior step into the key.pem file

NOTE - file should contain only what’s between -----BEGIN TENDERMINT PRIVATE KEY----- and -----END TENDERMINT PRIVATE KEY----- (including the BEGIN and END lines):

Example/Expected File Contents
cat key.pem
kdf: bcrypt
type: secp256k1

STEP 5 - Install Helm

Helm Installation

wget https://get.helm.sh/helm-v3.11.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
tar -zxvf helm-v3.11.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
mv linux-amd64/helm /usr/local/bin/helm

Verify Helm Install

helm version
Expected/Example Output
helm version
GitCommit:"472c5736ab01133de504a826bd9ee12cbe4e7904", GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.18.10"}

Add Akash Helm Repository

helm repo remove akash
helm repo add akash https://akash-network.github.io/helm-charts

STEP 6 - Provider Build via Helm Chart


In this section the Akash Provider will be installed and customized via the use of Helm Charts.

NOTE - when the Helm Chart is installed the Provider instance/details will be created on the blockchain and your provider will be registered in the Akash open cloud marketplace. The associated transaction for Provider creation is detailed here.

Environment Variables

  • Declare the following environment variables for Helm use
  • Replace the variables with your own settings
  1. Set akash provider address that starts with akash1

This allows the akash-provider to decrypt the key


2. Set the password you have entered upon akash keys export > key.pem


3. Set your domain. Register DNS A and wildcard address as specified in previous step, i.e. provider.test.com DNS A record and *.ingress.test.com DNS wildcard record.

Domain should be a publicly accessible DNS name dedicated for your provider use such as test.com.

The domain specified in this variable will be used by Helm during the Provider chart install process to produce the “provider.yourdomain.com” sub-domain name and the “ingress.yourdomain.com” sub-domain name. The domain specified will also be used by Helm during the Ingress Controller install steps coming up in this guide. Once your provider is up and running the *.ingress.yourdomain.com URI will be used for web app deployments such as abc123.ingress.yourdomain.com.


4. Set the Akash RPC node for your provider to use

  • If you are going to deploy Akash RPC Node using Helm-Charts then set the node to http://akash-node-1:26657 It is recommended that you install your own Akash RPC node. Follow this guide to do so.

Provider Withdraw Period

  • Akash providers may dictate how often they withdraw funds consumed by active deployments/tenants escrow accounts
  • Few things to consider regarding the provider withdraw period:
    • The default withdraw setting in the Helm Charts is one (1) hour
    • An advantage of the one hour default setting is assurance that a deployment may not breach the escrow account dramatically. If the withdraw period were set to 12 hours instead - the deployment could exhaust the amount in escrow in one hour (for example) but the provider would not calculate this until many hours later and the deployment would essentially operate for free in the interim.
    • A disadvantage of frequent withdraws is the possibility of losing profitability based on fees incurred by the providers withdraw transactions. If the provider hosts primarily low resource workloads, it is very possible that fees could exceed deployment cost/profit.
OPTIONAL - Update the Provider Withdraw Period
  • If it is desired to change the withdrawal period from the default one hour setting, update the withdrawalperiod setting in the provider.yaml file created subsequently in this section.
  • In the example the Provider Build section of this doc the withdrawal period has been set to 12 hours. Please adjust as preferred.

Provider Build Prep

  • Ensure you are applying the latest version of subsequent Helm Charts install/upgrade steps
helm repo update

Create a provider.yaml File

  • Issue the following command to build your Akash Provider
  • Update the following keys for your unique use case
    • region
    • organization
  • Optional Parameters - the following parameters may be added at the same level as from and key if you which to advertise your support email address and company website URL.
    • email
    • website
cd ~
mkdir provider
cd provider
cat > provider.yaml << EOF
key: "$(cat ~/key.pem | openssl base64 -A)"
keysecret: "$(echo $KEY_PASSWORD | openssl base64 -A)"
domain: "$DOMAIN"
node: "$NODE"
withdrawalperiod: 12h
- key: region
value: "<YOUR REGION>" # set your region here, e.g. "us-west"
- key: host
value: akash
- key: tier
value: community
- key: organization
value: "<YOUR ORG>" # set your organization name here
Example provider.yaml File Creation
root@linux-server ~ % cat > provider.yaml << EOF
key: "$(cat ./key.pem | openssl base64 -A)"
keysecret: "$(echo $KEY_PASSWORD | openssl base64 -A)"
domain: "$DOMAIN"
node: "$NODE"
withdrawalperiod: 12h
- key: region
value: us-east
- key: host
value: akash
- key: tier
value: community
- key: organization
value: myorganization

Verification of provider.yaml File

  • Issue the following commands to verify the provider.yaml file created in previous steps
cd ~/provider
cat provider.yaml
Example provider.yaml Verification Output
  • Ensure there are no empty values
from: akash1<REDACTED>
keysecret: QUtB<REDACTED>XIK
domain: test.com
node: http://<rpc-address>:26657
withdrawalperiod: 12h
- key: region
value: us-east
- key: host
value: akash
- key: tier
value: community
- key: organization
value: mycompany

Provider Bid Defaults

  • When a provider is created the default bid engine settings are used. If desired these settings could be updated and added to the provider.yaml file. But we would recommend initially using the default values.
  • Note - the bidpricestoragescale value will get overridden by -f provider-storage.yaml covered in Provider Persistent Storage documentation.
  • Note - if you want to use a shellScript bid price strategy, pass the bid price script via bidpricescript variable detailed in the bid pricing script doc. This will automatically suppress all bidprice<cpu|memory|endpoint|storage>scale settings.
bidpricecpuscale: "0.004" # cpu pricing scale in uakt per millicpu
bidpricememoryscale: "0.0016" # memory pricing scale in uakt per megabyte
bidpriceendpointscale: "0" # endpoint pricing scale in uakt per endpoint
bidpricestoragescale: "0.00016" # storage pricing scale in uakt per megabyte

Install the Provider Helm Chart

helm install akash-provider akash/provider -n akash-services -f provider.yaml
Expected Output of Provider Helm Install
NAME: akash-provider
LAST DEPLOYED: Thu Apr 28 18:58:10 2022
NAMESPACE: akash-services
STATUS: deployed

Provider Confirmation

kubectl get pods -n akash-services
Expected output (example and name following akash-provider will differ)
root@node1:~# kubectl get pods -n akash-services
akash-provider-6d7c455dfb-qkf5z 1/1 Running 0 4m37s

If your Akash Provider pod status displays init:0/1 for a prolonged period of time, use the following command to view Init container logs. Often the Provider may have a RPC issue and this should be revealed in these logs. RPC issues may be caused by an incorrect declaration in the NODE variable declaration issued previously in this section. Or possibly your custom RPC node is not in sync.

kubectl -n akash-services logs -l app=akash-provider -c init --tail 200 -f

Helm Chart Uninstall Process

  • Should a need arise to uninstall the Helm Chart and attempt the process anew, the following step can be used
  • Only conduct this step if there is a problem with Akash Provider Helm Chart install
  • This Helm uninstall technique can be used for this or any subsequent chart installs
  • Following this step - if needed - start the Provider Helm Chart install anew via the prior step in this page
helm uninstall akash-provider -n akash-services

STEP 7 - Hostname Operator Build

  • Run the following command to build the Kubernetes hostname operator
  • Note - if a need arises to use a different software version other than the one defined in the Chart.yaml Helm file - include the following switch. In most circumstances this should not be necessary.
    • --set image.tag=<image-name>
    • Example: --set image.tag=0.1.0
helm install akash-hostname-operator akash/akash-hostname-operator -n akash-services
Expected/Example Output
NAME: akash-hostname-operator
LAST DEPLOYED: Thu Apr 28 19:06:30 2022
NAMESPACE: akash-services
STATUS: deployed
1. Get the application URL by running these commands:
export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace akash-services -l "app.kubernetes.io/name=hostname-operator,app.kubernetes.io/instance=hostname-operator" -o jsonpath="{.items[0].metadata.name}")
export CONTAINER_PORT=$(kubectl get pod --namespace akash-services $POD_NAME -o jsonpath="{.spec.containers[0].ports[0].containerPort}")
echo "Visit to use your application"
kubectl --namespace akash-services port-forward $POD_NAME 8080:$CONTAINER_PORT

Hostname Operator Confirmation

kubectl get pods -n akash-services
Expected output (example and name following akash-provider will differ)
Terminal window
root@node1:~# kubectl get pods -n akash-services
akash-provider-6d7c455dfb-qkf5z 1/1 Running 0 4m37s
akash-hostname-operator-84977c6fd9-qvnsm 1/1 Running 0 3m29s

Step 8 - Ingress Controller Install

Create Upstream Ingress-Nginx Config

  • Create an ingress-nginx-custom.yaml file with the following contents:
type: ClusterIP
name: "akash-ingress-class"
kind: DaemonSet
enabled: true
port: 7443
allow-snippet-annotations: false
compute-full-forwarded-for: true
proxy-buffer-size: "16k"
enabled: true
enable-ssl-passthrough: true
"8443": "akash-services/akash-provider:8443"

Install Upstream Ingress-Nginx

helm repo add ingress-nginx https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx
helm upgrade --install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx \
--version 4.7.1 \
--namespace ingress-nginx --create-namespace \
-f ingress-nginx-custom.yaml

Apply Necessary Labels

  • Label the ingress-nginx namespace and the akash-ingress-class ingressclass
kubectl label ns ingress-nginx app.kubernetes.io/name=ingress-nginx app.kubernetes.io/instance=ingress-nginx
kubectl label ingressclass akash-ingress-class akash.network=true

STEP 9 - Next Steps - Provider Health Check and Optional Services

Akash Provider Checkup

Following the initial build of your Akash Provider, use the Akash Provider Checkup guide to ensure basic functionality.

Persistent Storage Enablement (OPTIONAL)

Use the Helm Based Provider Persistent Storage Enablement guide to host persistent volumes that will survive Kubernetes pod restarts for hosted deployments and workloads.

IP Leases Enablement (OPTIONAL)

Use the IP Leases Provider Enablement guide to allow static IP address/port assignment for hosted deployments and workloads.

Akash Provider Setup Complete

With these steps your Akash Provider setup and post install verifications should be complete!


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