Akash Provider Attribute Updates

Initial Guidance and Assumptions

  • Conduct all steps in this guide from a Kubernetes control plane node in your Akash Provider cluster.
  • Guide assumes that your Akash Provider was installed via Helm Charts as detailed in this guide.
  • Guide assumes that the Kubernetes control plane node used has Helm installed. Refer to this guide step if a Helm install is needed. Return to this guide once Helm install is completed.


Attributes in Active Leases

  • If your provider has active leases, attributes that were used during the creation of those leases cannot be updated
  • Example - if a lease was created and is active on your provider with key=region and value=us-east- it would not be possible to update the region attribute without closing those active leases prior

Pre-Update Attribute Captures

  • Prior to updating the Provider’s attributes, capture the current attributes
  • We will use this current capture to compare against the updated provider subsequently

On Chain Current Attributes Capture

Command Template

  • Replace the <provider-address> variable with the address of your provider
provider-services query provider get <provder-address>

Example Command

provider-services query provider get akash1xmz9es9ay9ln9x2m3q8dlu0alxf0ltce7ykjfx

Expected/Example Output

- key: region
value: us-central
- key: host
value: akash
- key: tier
value: community
- key: organization
value: akashtesting
host_uri: https://provider.akashtesting.xyz:8443
email: ""
website: ""
owner: akash1xmz9es9ay9ln9x2m3q8dlu0alxf0ltce7ykjfx

Provider Update

Capture Current Provider Settings to File

  • Issue this command to capture current provider settings and write to file
cd ~
helm -n akash-services get values akash-provider | grep -v ^USER > provider.yaml

Update Provider Settings

  • Open the file containing the current provider settings and update attribute key-value pairs as desired
cd ~
vi provider.yaml

Example Provider YAML Update

  • If compared to the initial provider.yaml file - updates have been made to the region and organization values have been updated
- key: region
value: eu-west
- key: host
value: akash
- key: tier
value: community
- key: organization
value: chainzero
domain: akashtesting.xyz
from: akash1xmz9es9ay9ln9x2m3q8dlu0alxf0ltce7ykjfx
key: <redacted>
keysecret: <redacted>
node: http://akash.c29r3.xyz:80/rpc
withdrawalperiod: 24h

Update Provider

cd ~
helm upgrade akash-provider akash/provider -n akash-services -f provider.yaml

Expected Output of Helm Upgrade

Release "akash-provider" has been upgraded. Happy Helming!
NAME: akash-provider
LAST DEPLOYED: Fri Jul 8 14:31:24 2022
NAMESPACE: akash-services
STATUS: deployed

Post Update Verifications

On Chain Post Update Attributes Verification

Command Template

provider-services query provider get <provder-address>

Example Command

provider-services query provider get akash1xmz9es9ay9ln9x2m3q8dlu0alxf0ltce7ykjfx

Expected/Example Output

  • Ensure that the new/updated attributes are now active
- key: region
value: eu-west
- key: host
value: akash
- key: tier
value: community
- key: organization
value: chainzero
host_uri: https://provider.akashtesting.xyz:8443
email: ""
website: ""
owner: akash1xmz9es9ay9ln9x2m3q8dlu0alxf0ltce7ykjfx

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