NOTE - this runbook requires three simultaneous terminals
For the purpose of documentation clarity we will refer to these terminal sessions as:
- terminal1
- terminal2
- terminal3
STEP 1 - Open Runbook
NOTE - run the commands in this step on terminal1, terminal2, and terminal3
Run this step on all three terminal sessions to ensure we are in the correct directory for later steps.
STEP 2 - Create and Provision Local Kind Kubernetes Cluster
NOTE - run this command in this step on terminal1 only
NOTE - this step may take several minutes to complete
Possible Timed Out Waiting for the Condition Error
If the following error is encountered when running make kube-cluster-setup
This is an indication that the Kubernetes ingress-controller did not initialize within the default timeout period. In such cases, re-execute make kube-cluster-setup
with a custom timeout period such as the example below. This step is NOT necessary if make kube-cluster-setup
completed on first run with no errors encountered.
STEP 3 - Start Akash Node
NOTE - run this command in this step on terminal2 only
STEP 4 - Create an Akash Provider
NOTE - run this command in this step on terminal1 only
Note on Keys
Each configuration creates four keys: The keys are assigned to the targets and under normal circumstances there is no need to alter it. However, it can be done with setting KEY_NAME:
STEP 5 - Start the Akash Provider
NOTE - run this command in this step on terminal3 only
STEP 6 - Create and Verify Test Deployment
NOTE - run the commands in this step on terminal1 only
Create the Deployment
- Take note of the deplpyment ID (DSEQ) generated for use in subsequent steps
Query Deployments
Query Orders
- Steps ensure that an order is created for the deployment after a short period of time
Query Bids
- Step ensures the Provider services daemon bids on the test deployment
STEP 7 - Test Lease Creation for the Test Deployment
NOTE - run the commands in this step on terminal1 only
Create Lease
Query Lease
Ensure Provider Received Lease Create Message
- Should see “pending” inventory in the provider status and for the test deployment
STEP 8 - Send Manifest
NOTE - run the commands in this step on terminal1 only
Send the Manifest to the Provider
Check Status of Deployment
Ping the Deplpyment to Ensure Liveness
STEP 9 - Verify Service Status
NOTE - run the commands in this step on terminal1 only
Query Lease Status
Fetch Pod Logs
- Note that this will fetch the logs for all pods in the Kubernetes cluster. Filter/search for the test deployment’s ID (DSEQ) for related activities.