Cluster Service

When the Provider primary service initiates the Cluster Service - detailed in this section - current deployments, hostnames, and inventory are gathered.

Perputually the Cluster Service then listens for new orders to place into inventory on bids the Provider acts on and invokes deployments for won bids.

-link to cluster service initiation

-link to cluster NewService section


1). Cluster Service Initiation

Provider Service Calls/Initiates the Cluster Service

Source code reference location

cluster, err := cluster.NewService(ctx, session, bus, cclient, ipOperatorClient, waiter, clusterConfig)
if err != nil {
return nil, err

The parameters for cluster.NewService include the Provider’s Kubernetes cluster settings.

clusterConfig := cluster.NewDefaultConfig()
clusterConfig.InventoryResourcePollPeriod = cfg.InventoryResourcePollPeriod
clusterConfig.InventoryResourceDebugFrequency = cfg.InventoryResourceDebugFrequency
clusterConfig.InventoryExternalPortQuantity = cfg.ClusterExternalPortQuantity
clusterConfig.CPUCommitLevel = cfg.CPUCommitLevel
clusterConfig.MemoryCommitLevel = cfg.MemoryCommitLevel
clusterConfig.StorageCommitLevel = cfg.StorageCommitLevel
clusterConfig.BlockedHostnames = cfg.BlockedHostnames
clusterConfig.DeploymentIngressStaticHosts = cfg.DeploymentIngressStaticHosts
clusterConfig.DeploymentIngressDomain = cfg.DeploymentIngressDomain
clusterConfig.ClusterSettings = cfg.ClusterSettings

These settings are defined in the flags used when the provider-services run command is issued.

Example flag made available within the provider/cmd/provider-services/cmd/run.go file for Ingress Domain declaration.

const (
FlagDeploymentIngressDomain = "deployment-ingress-domain"

2). Cluster NewService Function

Source code reference location

The NewService function within provider/cluster/service.go invokes:

  • Subscription to RPC Node pubsub bus via the bus.Subscribe method call
  • The call of the findDeployments function to discover current deployments in the Kubernetes cluster. This function is defined in the same file - service.go - as the cluster NewService function exists in.
  • The call of the newInventoryService function which will track new/existing orders and create an inventory reservation when the provider bids on a deployment.
func NewService(ctx context.Context, session session.Session, bus pubsub.Bus, client Client, ipOperatorClient operatorclients.IPOperatorClient, waiter waiter.OperatorWaiter, cfg Config) (Service, error) {
sub, err := bus.Subscribe()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
deployments, err := findDeployments(ctx, log, client, session)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
inventory, err := newInventoryService(cfg, log, lc.ShuttingDown(), sub, client, ipOperatorClient, waiter, deployments)
if err != nil {
return nil, err

3). Cluster Service Listening Bus

The NewService function eventually populates a service struct and passes the variable to the run method which invokes a perpetual listening bus for new deployments. The deployments argument is additionally passed into the run method as an argument.

s := &service{
session: session,
client: client,
hostnames: hostnames,
bus: bus,
sub: sub,
inventory: inventory,
statusch: make(chan chan<- *ctypes.Status),
managers: make(map[mtypes.LeaseID]*deploymentManager),
managerch: make(chan *deploymentManager),
checkDeploymentExistsRequestCh: make(chan checkDeploymentExistsRequest),
log: log,
lc: lc,
config: cfg,
waiter: waiter,
go, deployments)

4). Creating Deployment Managers for Existing Deployments

Within in the run method a for loop creates a deployment manager for pre-existing deployments on the provider.

Further explanation of the deployment manager can be found in a later section of this documentation section.

func (s *service) run(ctx context.Context, deployments []ctypes.Deployment) {
for _, deployment := range deployments {
key := deployment.LeaseID()
mgroup := deployment.ManifestGroup()
s.managers[key] = newDeploymentManager(s, deployment.LeaseID(), &mgroup, false)

5). Cluster Service Perpetual Listening Loop

A perpetual for loop is spawned for the Cluster Service which - amongst other cases - monitor for an event type of ManifestReceived.

Following a series of validations - for example ensuring that the deployment pre-exists in which would indicate a deployment update event and assurance that the deployment exist in inventory - when passed thru eventually reaches a call of the newDeploymentManager function.

for {
select {
case ev := <-s.sub.Events():
switch ev := ev.(type) {
case event.ManifestReceived:
s.log.Info("manifest received", "lease", ev.LeaseID)
mgroup := ev.ManifestGroup()
if mgroup == nil {
s.log.Error("indeterminate manifest group", "lease", ev.LeaseID, "group-name", ev.Group.GroupSpec.Name)
if _, err := s.inventory.lookup(ev.LeaseID.OrderID(), mgroup); err != nil {
s.log.Error("error looking up manifest", "err", err, "lease", ev.LeaseID, "group-name", mgroup.Name)
key := ev.LeaseID
if manager := s.managers[key]; manager != nil {
if err := manager.update(mgroup); err != nil {
s.log.Error("updating deployment", "err", err, "lease", ev.LeaseID, "group-name", mgroup.Name)
s.managers[key] = newDeploymentManager(s, ev.LeaseID, mgroup, true)

6). Deployment Managers

The call of the newDeploymentManager function - located in provider/cluster/manager.go - provokes a deployment specific lifecycle manager.

Source code reference location

func newDeploymentManager(s *service, lease mtypes.LeaseID, mgroup *manifest.Group, isNewLease bool) *deploymentManager {
dm := &deploymentManager{
bus: s.bus,
client: s.client,
session: s.session,
state: dsDeployActive,
lease: lease,
mgroup: mgroup,
wg: sync.WaitGroup{},
updatech: make(chan *manifest.Group),
teardownch: make(chan struct{}),
log: logger,
lc: lifecycle.New(),
hostnameService: s.HostnameService(),
config: s.config,
currentHostnames: make(map[string]struct{}),
go func() {
dm.log.Debug("sending manager into channel")
s.managerch <- dm
err := s.bus.Publish(event.LeaseAddFundsMonitor{LeaseID: lease, IsNewLease: isNewLease})
if err != nil {
s.log.Error("unable to publish LeaseAddFundsMonitor event", "error", err, "lease", lease)
return dm

7). Additional Inventory Service Notes

As described in the previous section the invoke of the NewService function spawns a call of the newInventoryService function.

The newInventoryService function is defined in provider/cluster/inventory.go.

When the Provider’s bid engine determines that it should bid on a new deployment the Reserve method is called. Downstream logic places this reservation into inventory.

In summation this Bid Engine logic is the mechanism in which the Provider reserves Kubernetes resources and places the reservation into inventory while the bid is pending.

Source code reference location

case result := <-shouldBidCh:
clusterch = runner.Do(metricsutils.ObserveRunner(func() runner.Result {
v := runner.NewResult(o.cluster.Reserve(o.orderID, group))
return v
}, reservationDuration))

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