Setup, Deploy, and Launch an Nginx on Akash Network

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to set up, deploy, and launch an Nginx server to Akash, using the official Docker image, the Akash CLI, or the console.

Step 1: Install Akash CLI

Follow the Akash CLI installation guide to set up the CLI tool for managing deployments. Ensure you have:

  • Akash wallet created and funded.
  • Your node and CLI properly configured.

Step 2: Create the SDL File

Below is a sample deploy.yaml file

version: "2.0"
image: nginx:latest # Official Nginx Docker image
- port: 80
as: 80
- global: true
units: 1
size: 512Mi
size: 1Gi
region: us-west
denom: uakt
amount: 50
profile: nginx
count: 1
  • Image: nginx:latest pulls the latest official Docker image for Nginx.
  • Expose: Port 80 is exposed globally to make your server accessible on the web.
  • Resources: Defines the compute resources (CPU, memory, and storage) for the container.
  • Pricing: Sets a price in Akash tokens (uakt) for your deployment.

Step 3: Deploy to Akash

Step 3a: Deploy Using Akash CLI (option a)

  1. Authenticate and prepare your environment:
akash tx authz grant <provider-address> --from <wallet-name>

Replace <provider-address> and <wallet-name> with your provider’s address and your wallet name.

  1. Submit the SDL file for deployment:
akash tx deployment create deploy.yaml --from <wallet-name>
  1. Bid on a provider: Run this command to find available bids:
akash query market bid list --owner <wallet-address>
  1. Accept a bid and deploy:
akash tx market lease create --bid-id <bid-id> --from <wallet-name>
  1. Check deployment status:
akash query market lease status --owner <wallet-address> --dseq <deployment-sequence>
  1. Access your Nginx server: Use the provided endpoint to access your running Nginx server.

For a full CLI guide, visit: Akash CLI Deployment.

Step 3b: Deploy Using Akash Console

  1. Navigate to the Akash Console.
  2. Login using your Akash wallet.
  3. Upload the deploy.yaml file.
  4. Submit your deployment request.
  5. Choose a provider and approve the bid.
  6. Monitor your deployment and retrieve the endpoint URL once the deployment is live.

For detailed instructions, check the Akash Console Guide.

Step 4: Verify Your Nginx Server

Once your deployment is live:

1. Visit the provided endpoint URL.
2. You should see the default Nginx welcome page.

Additional Notes

  • If you need to customize the Nginx configuration, create a custom nginx.conf file and mount it in the Docker container. Update the services block in the SDL file to include a volume mapping.
  • For persistent storage or logging, configure additional storage resources in the SDL file.

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