Akash Provider Node Utilization Dashboard

The Akash Provider Utilization Dashboard has three pods with three diffrent services:

  1. Periodic Shell Script: This script runs at a configurable frequency, making a gRPCurl request to a server with reflection enabled. It retrieves the current provider utilization data and stores the JSON response in a database.
  2. NoSQL Database (CouchDB): This database stores the server utilization logs (in JSON format) retrieved by the shell script.
  3. Web Application: This app features a dashboard that displays the daily average utilization of resources such as CPU, GPU, memory, and storage.

Getting Started

These instructions will guide you through deploying this project using the Akash Console.


You will need an Akash wallet with at least 0.5 AKT. You can use any deployment tool of your choice. This guide uses the Akash Console, but you can also the Akash CLI.

Environment Variables

  • COUCHDB_USER - The admin username for CouchDB.
  • COUCHDB_PASSWORD - The password for the CouchDB admin user.
  • COUCHDB_URL - The URL for CouchDB, eg., “http://admin:password@couchdb:5984
  • COUCHDB_DB_NAME - The name of the database.
  • COUCHDB_DESIGN_DOC - The database design document.
  • COUCHDB_CPU_VIEW - The database index for CPU data.
  • COUCHDB_GPU_VIEW - The database index for GPU data.
  • COUCHDB_MEMORY_VIEW - The database index for memory data.
  • COUCHDB_STORAGE_VIEW - The database index for storage data.
  • PROVIDER_URL - The URL from which the service will pull data.


When changing the COUCHDB_USER and COUCHDB_PASSWORD values, update them in the environment variables for both containers.


  • couchdb_data: This is where CouchDB persists its data.

Accessing the Applications


To access the CouchDB UI, navigate to the URL provided by the Akash Console in your web browser. Log in with the COUCHDB_USER and COUCHDB_PASSWORD configured in your environment variables. Add /_utils/ to the end of your URL.

Flask App

Your Flask application will be available at the URL provided by the Akash Console. You can also set a custom domain as specified in the SDL.

gRPC Poller

This service depends on CouchDB and performs periodic polling. Adjust the interval by setting the REQUEST_INTERVAL environment variable. No further access is required after deployment.

Persistent Data

The composition uses named volumes to ensure your data persists across container restarts.


Deployment should be straightforward, but if the database does not initialize correctly and no data appears on your web dashboard, follow these steps:

  1. Log into the database using the provided DB URL.
  2. Log in with your username and password.
  3. Navigate to the setup tab.
  4. Select “single node” and re-enter your username and password.

This should resolve the issue, and data should appear within 15 minutes.


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