Akash Provider Feature Discovery Upgrade/Enablement

NOTE - do NOT use these instructions until they have been migrated out of experimental and the Akash core team has communicated it is safe to execute.

The following provides an overview of the steps necessary to upgrade your Akash provider to version 0.5.0 and to enable Feature Discovery:

NOTE - complete the steps in this guide in the order presented

Download Helm Chart and Use Feature Discovery Branch

Clone Akash Helm Chart Repository

cd ~
git clone https://github.com/akash-network/helm-charts.git

Checkout Feature Discovery Branch of Helm Chart Repo

cd ~/helm-charts
helm repo update
git checkout feature-discovery
### Ensure the working branch has been updated to feature-discovery
git branch

Expected Output

git checkout feature-discovery
Branch 'feature-discovery' set up to track remote branch 'feature-discovery' from 'origin'.
Switched to a new branch 'feature-discovery'
git branch
* feature-discovery

Akash Hostname Operator Upgrade

cd ~/helm-charts/charts/akash-hostname-operator
helm uninstall akash-hostname-operator -n akash-services
helm package .
helm install akash-hostname-operator akash-hostname-operator-9.0.0.tgz -n akash-services --set image.tag=0.5.0

Akash Provider Upgrade

NOTE - these instructions assume your Akash Provider settings are stored in /root/provider/provider.yaml. If this is not the cause - dump current provider settings prior to initiating this process via the following command and ensure the helm install command points to the location of this file.

helm -n akash-services get values akash-provider > provider.yaml

NOTE - provider GPU attributes must now adhere to the naming conventions in this JSON file. Your attributes may need to be updated to follow these standards. If your provider attributes do not adhere to the naming conventions in this JSON file it may not bid when specific models are included in the SDL.

NOTE - if your provider uses a custom price script - ensure to add pointer to that script in the helm install command such as the following. Note that this syntax assumes the pricing script resides in the /root/provider directory.

--set bidpricescript="$(cat /root/provider/price_script_generic.sh | openssl base64 -A)"

cd ~/helm-charts/charts/akash-provider
helm uninstall akash-provider -n akash-services
helm package .
helm install akash-provider provider-9.0.0.tgz -n akash-services -f /root/provider/provider.yaml --set image.tag=0.5.0

Akash IP Operator Upgrade (If Applicable)

NOTE - the IP Operator is only necessary if your Akash Provider provides IP Leases

cd ~/helm-charts/charts/akash-ip-operator
helm uninstall akash-ip-operator -n akash-services
helm package .
### Update the `<provider-address>` placeholder with the address of your provider
helm install akash-ip-operator akash-ip-operator-9.0.0.tgz -n akash-services --set provider_address=<provider-address> --set image.tag=0.5.0

Akash Inventory Operator Install/Upgrade

NOTE - the Inventory Operator is now required on ALL Akash Providers. Previously this operator was only required when the Provider hosted persistent storage. But the operator is now mandated on all providers.

NOTE - if your provider hosts persistent storage, ensure that the CEPH cluster is in a healthy state prior to upgrading the Akash Inventory Operator


NOTE - if you do not have a prior installation of the inventory operator the uninstall command will produce an error. Disregard the error and proceed to next step.

helm uninstall inventory-operator -n akash-services


NOTE - this step is only necessary for providers hosting persistent storage

cd ~/helm-charts/charts/akash-inventory-operator
vi values.yaml

Within the values.yaml file ensure that the inventoryConfig section is updated with your persistent storage type - I.e. beta1, beta2, or beta3.

# Allow users to specify cluster storage options
- default
- beta2


cd ~/helm-charts/charts/akash-inventory-operator
helm package .
helm install inventory-operator akash-inventory-operator-9.0.0.tgz -n akash-services --set image.tag=0.5.0

Update Ingress Controller

NOTE - this step must be completed by all providers to expose the Feature Discovery gRPC port

NOTE - ensure to open port 8444 on your firewall if necessary as well

The Ingress Controller rules have been updated to include Feature Discovery destinations and mainly port 8444. Update your ingress controller to ensure they are current via the instructions in this doc section.


  • Verify the status of the Akash Provider and Akash Operators following the upgrade
kubectl get pods -n akash-services

Example/Expected Output

Note - pay particular attention to the presence of the operator-inventory-hardware-discovery. One such pod should be spawned for each Kubernetes worker node.

kubectl get pods -n akash-services
akash-node-1-0 1/1 Running 2 (2d2h ago) 2d21h
akash-provider-0 1/1 Running 0 3m48s
operator-hostname-6f9d7cb465-bdrpb 1/1 Running 0 4m42s
operator-inventory-6f6986496b-8dljm 1/1 Running 0 3m41s
operator-inventory-hardware-discovery-node1 1/1 Running 0 3m39s
operator-inventory-hardware-discovery-node2 1/1 Running 0 3m39s
operator-inventory-hardware-discovery-node3 1/1 Running 0 3m38s


Test your Akash Provider’s Feature Discovery functionality via the use of gRPC CuRL and examples provided below. If you do not have gRPC CuRL installed - follow the instructions in this guide to install via brew.


  • Replace <PROVIDER-IP-ADDRESS> with actual
grpcurl -insecure <PROVIDER-IP-ADDRESS>:8444 akash.provider.v1.ProviderRPC.GetStatus

Example/Expected Output

grpcurl -insecure akash.provider.v1.ProviderRPC.GetStatus
"cluster": {
"leases": {},
"inventory": {
"cluster": {
"nodes": [
"name": "node1",
"resources": {
"cpu": {
"quantity": {
"allocatable": {
"string": "8"
"allocated": {
"string": "3720m"
"info": [
"id": "0",
"vendor": "GenuineIntel",
"model": "Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz",
"vcores": 8
"memory": {
"quantity": {
"allocatable": {
"string": "33538080768"
"allocated": {
"string": "4535332Ki"
"gpu": {
"quantity": {
"allocatable": {
"string": "0"
"allocated": {
"string": "0"
"ephemeralStorage": {
"allocatable": {
"string": "233966001789"
"allocated": {
"string": "0"
"volumesAttached": {
"allocatable": {
"string": "0"
"allocated": {
"string": "0"
"volumesMounted": {
"allocatable": {
"string": "0"
"allocated": {
"string": "0"
"capabilities": {
"storageClasses": [
"name": "node2",
"resources": {
"cpu": {
"quantity": {
"allocatable": {
"string": "8"
"allocated": {
"string": "4205m"
"info": [
"id": "0",
"vendor": "GenuineIntel",
"model": "Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.30GHz",
"vcores": 8
"memory": {
"quantity": {
"allocatable": {
"string": "31424155648"
"allocated": {
"string": "7715418Ki"
"gpu": {
"quantity": {
"allocatable": {
"string": "1"
"allocated": {
"string": "1"
"info": [
"vendor": "nvidia",
"name": "t4",
"modelid": "1eb8",
"interface": "PCIe",
"memorySize": "16Gi"
"ephemeralStorage": {
"allocatable": {
"string": "233966001789"
"allocated": {
"string": "268435456"
"volumesAttached": {
"allocatable": {
"string": "0"
"allocated": {
"string": "0"
"volumesMounted": {
"allocatable": {
"string": "0"
"allocated": {
"string": "0"
"capabilities": {
"storageClasses": [
"name": "node3",
"resources": {
"cpu": {
"quantity": {
"allocatable": {
"string": "8"
"allocated": {
"string": "5875m"
"info": [
"id": "0",
"vendor": "GenuineIntel",
"model": "Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.20GHz",
"vcores": 8
"memory": {
"quantity": {
"allocatable": {
"string": "33538080768"
"allocated": {
"string": "13674038Ki"
"gpu": {
"quantity": {
"allocatable": {
"string": "0"
"allocated": {
"string": "0"
"ephemeralStorage": {
"allocatable": {
"string": "233966001789"
"allocated": {
"string": "0"
"volumesAttached": {
"allocatable": {
"string": "0"
"allocated": {
"string": "0"
"volumesMounted": {
"allocatable": {
"string": "0"
"allocated": {
"string": "0"
"capabilities": {
"storageClasses": [
"storage": [
"quantity": {
"allocatable": {
"string": "101796855808"
"allocated": {
"string": "0"
"info": {
"class": "beta2"
"reservations": {
"pending": {
"resources": {
"cpu": {
"string": "0"
"memory": {
"string": "0"
"gpu": {
"string": "0"
"ephemeralStorage": {
"string": "0"
"active": {
"resources": {
"cpu": {
"string": "0"
"memory": {
"string": "0"
"gpu": {
"string": "0"
"ephemeralStorage": {
"string": "0"
"bidEngine": {},
"manifest": {},
"publicHostnames": [
"timestamp": "2024-02-16T17:20:20.054534655Z"

© Akash Network 2024 The Akash Network Authors Documentation Distributed under CC BY 4.0

Open-source Apache 2.0 Licensed.

GitHub v0.20.0
