GPU Testnet Client Instructions

Deployments may be launched on the GPU Testnet via the Akash Console, Akash Console, and the Akash CLI. Follow the links provided below based on your preferred deployment tool.

Akash Console

Akash Console for GPU Testnet Overview

Akash Console is a web based application that makes it easy to deploy applications onto the Akash Network. Post deployment, Akash Console provides a dashboard to view the status and details of workloads. The dashboard also has the ability to perform administrative tasks including closing the deployment, updating the deployment, redeploying, and increasing the funding available to the deployment.

This guide will cover the following topics that are relevant for Akash Console use in the GPU Testnet:

Akash Console Access

Before Getting Started

The Keplr browser extension must be installed and with sufficient funds (5AKT minimum for a single deployment plus a small amount for transaction fees).

Follow our Keplr Wallet guide to create your first wallet if necessary.

Akash Console Access

The Akash Console web app is available via the following URL:

GPU Testnet Settings

Configure GPU Testnet Network Settings

  • Prior to launching a deployment, we need need to configure a few settings for GPU Testnet use
Access Settings
  • Begin by accessing the Settings via selection of the gear icon and as depicted below

Initial Settings
  • The Console is most likely current configured to interact with the Akash Mainnet
  • In the depiction below we find this to be the case. The Console is connected to Mainnet.

Update Settings for GPU Testnet Use
  • To interact with the GPU Testnet via the Akash Console, select the edit icon (it looks like a pencil, see the diagram below) in the Network section.

A box would pop-up, asking you to select network.

  • Select the Sandbox network.
  • Click the Save button.

Your selected network would now be listed as Sandbox.

Keplr Account Selection and Funding

Keplr Account Selection

Select a pre-existing tAkash account within Keplr. If you do not have a pre-existing Akash account - use the Add Wallet feature within Keplr to create a new account.

Connect Wallet

Use the Connect Wallet button to connect the account selected in Keplr in the prior step to the Akash Console. Select Keplr from the wallet selector.

Fund Selected Account via Testnet Faucet

Visit the Testnet faucet here to fund your provider account.

Enter the address of the account selected in previous step. The address of the account can be copied from the Keplr wallet.

Example Use of Akash Testnet Faucet

Example/Expected Faucet Output

The following screen shot shows an example/expected output following successful submission to the Testnet faucet. Note that the displayed transaction hash will be unique and different than the one displayed in this example. Receipt of this screen confirms successful funding of your account with 25AKT.

Minesweeper Deployment Example

In this section we will use the Akash Console to launch an example Minesweeper deployment on the Akash Testnet. You can follow the same process for any other workload so long as it is containerized and you have an appropriate SDL.

STEP 1 - Create the Deployment

  • Begin the process of creating a new deployment by clicking opn the Deploy button on the top left corner of the page.

  • A number of deployment types are presented in the gallery
  • For our purposes we will import a SDL for the Minesweeper deployment example. Select Build your template to proceed.

You would be redirected to the page below. Click on the YAML button.

Copy Awesome Akash Minesweeper SDL
  • The Minesweeper SDL (Stack Definition Language) file - which is the recipe for an Akash Deployment - can be found in the Awesome Akash repository here.
  • Copy the contents of the SDL into the YAML C editor as demonstrated below.
  • Select Save & Close when complete

Name Deployment and Proceed
  • Optionally assign the deployment a useful/descript name
  • Select Create Deployment when complete to proceed to the next step

  • You’ll be required to make a minimum deposit of 5 AKT or 5 USDC. Enter at least that amount and click on the Continue button.

  • You then approve the transaction. If you are having trouble with the transaction being completed, try setting the gas fees to either medium or high.

STEP 2 - Select Provider

  • You would be redirected to the Providers page.
  • A list of Akash providers who bid on the deployment is presented
  • Select the Akash provider of your choice
  • Select Submit Deploy Request to complete the deployment process
  • Accept Keplr gas fee prompt to proceed

NOTE - ensure to select ALL instead of the default Only Audited selection near the top right of the pane for Testnet purposes. This will allow bids from all providers to display.

STEP 3 - Deployment Confirmation and Testing

  • Following successful deployment of the Minesweeper SDL to the selected Akash provider, a status page will be presented as depicted in the example below
  • This page can be used to view logs of the deployment and obtain general deployment info
  • Allow the deployment a couple of minutes to fully deploy and then test Minesweeper by selecting the generated URL of the deployment
Select URL to Test Deployment

Expected Result of Initial Deployment Testing

Summary and Next Steps

  • This completes our walk through of a example SDL and associated deployment onto the Akash Testnet network
  • The steps presented in this guide can be used for any future deployments and associated SDLs

Akash CLI for GPU Testnet

Explore detailed steps and options of the Akash CLI. In this guide we will define each environment variable and use within each command.

Overview of Getting Started with Akash CLI Steps

Install Akash CLI

Select a tab below to view instructions for MacOS, Linux, or compiling from source.

Create an Account

Configure the name of your key. The command below will set the name of your key to myWallet, run the below command and replace myWallet with a name of your choice:

Terminal window

Verify you have the shell variables set up . The below command should return the name you’ve used:

Terminal window

We now need to point Akash to where the keys are stored for your configuration. To do this we will set the AKASH_KEYRING_BACKEND environmental variable.

Terminal window

Copy and paste this command into Terminal to create an Akash account:

Terminal window
provider-services keys add $AKASH_KEY_NAME

Read the output and save your mnemonic phrase is a safe place. Let’s set a Shell Variable in Terminal AKASH_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS to save your account address for later.

Terminal window
export AKASH_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS="$(provider-services keys show $AKASH_KEY_NAME -a)"

Note that if you close your Terminal window this variable will not be saved.

Fund your Account

Fund Created Account via Testnet Faucet

Visit the Testnet faucet here to fund your provider account.

Enter the address of the myWallet account created in previous steps as prompted by the faucet.

Example/Expected Faucet Output

The following screen shot shows an example/expected output following successful submission to the Testnet faucet. Note that the displayed transaction hash will be unique and different than the one displayed in this example. Receipt of this screen confirms successful funding of your account with 25AKT.

Configure your Network

Configure the Testnet Chain ID and RPC Node

Terminal window
export AKASH_CHAIN_ID=sandbox-01
export AKASH_NODE=

Confirm your network variables are setup

Your values may differ depending on the network you’re connecting to.

Terminal window

You should see something similar to: sandbox-01 os

Set Additional Environment Variables

Set the below set of environment variables to ensure smooth operations

VariableDescriptionRecommended Value
AKASH_GASGas limit to set per-transaction; set to “auto” to calculate sufficient gas automaticallyauto
AKASH_GAS_ADJUSTMENTAdjustment factor to be multiplied against the estimate returned by the tx simulation1.15
AKASH_GAS_PRICESGas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee0.025uakt
AKASH_SIGN_MODESignature modeamino-json
export AKASH_GAS=auto
export AKASH_GAS_PRICES=0.025uakt
export AKASH_SIGN_MODE=amino-json

Check your Account Balance

Check your account has sufficient balance by running:

Terminal window
provider-services query bank balances --node $AKASH_NODE $AKASH_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS

You should see a response similar to:

- amount: "25000000"
denom: uakt
next_key: null
total: "0"

Your account must have a minimum balance of 0.5 AKT to create a deployment. This 0.5 AKT funds the escrow account associated with the deployment and is used to pay the provider for their services. It is recommended you have more than this minimum balance to pay for transaction fees. For more information on escrow accounts, see here

Create your Configuration

Create a deployment configuration deploy.yml to deploy an example GPU enabled workload via the steps and SDL provided in this section.

Akash GPU Enabled Manifest/SDL

You may use the sample deployment file as-is or modify it for your own needs as described in our SDL (Stack Definition Language) documentation.

Terminal window
cat > deploy.yml <<EOF
version: "2.0"
# Nvidia cuda compatibility
# for nvidia 510 drivers
## image:
# for nvidia 525 drivers use below image
- "sh"
- "-c"
- 'sleep infinity'
- port: 3000
as: 80
- global: true
units: 1
size: 1Gi
units: 1
- model: a4000
- size: 512Mi
denom: uakt
amount: 100000
profile: gpu-test
count: 1

Create your Certificate

In this step we will create a local certificate and then store the certification on the block chain

  • Ensure that prior steps in this guide have been completed and that you have a funded wallet before attempting certificate creation.
  • Your certificate needs to be created only once per account and can be used across all deployments.
Generate Cert
  • Note: If it errors with Error: certificate error: cannot overwrite certificate, then add --overwrite should you want to overwrite the cert. Normally you can ignore that error and proceed with publishing the cert (next step).
provider-services tx cert generate client --from $AKASH_KEY_NAME
Publish Cert to the Blockchain
provider-services tx cert publish client --from $AKASH_KEY_NAME

Create your Deployment

Akash Deployment

To deploy on Akash, run:

provider-services tx deployment create deploy.yml --from $AKASH_KEY_NAME

You should see a response similar to:

Find your Deployment #

Find the Deployment Sequence (DSEQ) in the deployment you just created. You will need to replace the AKASH_DSEQ with the number from your deployment to configure a shell variable.

Terminal window

Now set the Order Sequence (OSEQ) and Group Sequence (GSEQ). Note that if this is your first time deploying on Akash, OSEQ and GSEQ will be 1.

Terminal window

Verify we have the right values populated by running:

Terminal window

View your Bids

After a short time, you should see bids from providers for this deployment with the following command:

Terminal window
provider-services query market bid list --owner=$AKASH_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS --node $AKASH_NODE --dseq $AKASH_DSEQ --state=open
Choose a Provider

Note that there are bids from multiple different providers. In this case, both providers happen to be willing to accept a price of 1 uAKT. This means that the lease can be created using 1 uAKT or 0.000001 AKT per block to execute the container. You should see a response similar to:

- bid:
dseq: "140324"
gseq: 1
oseq: 1
owner: akash1vn06ycjjnvsvl639fet9lajjctuturrtx7fvuj
provider: akash10cl5rm0cqnpj45knzakpa4cnvn5amzwp4lhcal
created_at: "140326"
amount: "1"
denom: uakt
state: open
amount: "50000000"
denom: uakt
scope: bid
xid: akash1vn06ycjjnvsvl639fet9lajjctuturrtx7fvuj/140324/1/1/akash10cl5rm0cqnpj45knzakpa4cnvn5amzwp4lhcal
owner: akash10cl5rm0cqnpj45knzakpa4cnvn5amzwp4lhcal
settled_at: "140326"
state: open
amount: "0"
denom: uakt
- bid:
dseq: "140324"
gseq: 1
oseq: 1
owner: akash1vn06ycjjnvsvl639fet9lajjctuturrtx7fvuj
provider: akash1f6gmtjpx4r8qda9nxjwq26fp5mcjyqmaq5m6j7
created_at: "140326"
amount: "1"
denom: uakt
state: open
amount: "50000000"
denom: uakt
scope: bid
xid: akash1vn06ycjjnvsvl639fet9lajjctuturrtx7fvuj/140324/1/1/akash1f6gmtjpx4r8qda9nxjwq26fp5mcjyqmaq5m6j7
owner: akash1f6gmtjpx4r8qda9nxjwq26fp5mcjyqmaq5m6j7
settled_at: "140326"
state: open
amount: "0"
denom: uakt

For this example, we will choose akash10cl5rm0cqnpj45knzakpa4cnvn5amzwp4lhcal Run this command to set the provider shell variable:


Verify we have the right value populated by running:


Create a Lease

Create a lease for the bid from the chosen provider above by running this command:

provider-services tx market lease create --dseq $AKASH_DSEQ --provider $AKASH_PROVIDER --from $AKASH_KEY_NAME
Confirm the Lease

You can check the status of your lease by running:

provider-services query market lease list --owner $AKASH_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS --node $AKASH_NODE --dseq $AKASH_DSEQ

Note the bids will close automatically after 5 minutes, and you may get the response:

bid not open

If this happens, close your deployment and open a new deployment again. To close your deployment run this command:

provider-services tx deployment close --dseq $AKASH_DSEQ --owner $AKASH_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS --from $AKASH_KEY_NAME

If your lease was successful you should see a response that ends with:

state: active

Please note that once the lease is created, the provider will begin debiting your deployment’s escrow account, even if you have not completed the deployment process by uploading the manifest in the following step.

Update the Deployment

Update the Manifest

Update the deploy.yml manifest file with the desired change.

NOTE:** Not all attributes of the manifest file are eligible for deployment update. If the hardware specs of the manifest are updated (I.e. CPU count), a re-deployment of the workload is necessary. Other attributes, such as deployment image and funding, are eligible for updates.

Issue Transaction for On Chain Update
provider-services tx deployment update deploy.yml --dseq $AKASH_DSEQ --from $AKASH_KEY_NAME
Send Updated Manifest to Provider
provider-services send-manifest deploy.yml --dseq $AKASH_DSEQ --provider $AKASH_PROVIDER --from $AKASH_KEY_NAME

Close Deployment

Close the Deployment

Should you need to close the deployment follow this step.

provider-services tx deployment close --from $AKASH_KEY_NAME

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