Provider Service Overview


Use the visualization coupled with the Code Review section for correlated code deep dive

Code Review

1). Provider Command Registered Via Cobra

The Akash Provider command is registered via Cobra allowing initiation of the provider service via provider-services run via the Akash CLI.

Source code reference location

// RunCmd launches the Akash Provider service
func RunCmd() *cobra.Command {
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "run",
Short: "run akash provider",

2). Command Flag Registration

Provider services run command flags are registered via Cobra.

Example Cobra command flag registration for the declaration of the provider withdraw period is displayed in code capture. A similar declaration is made for all related run command flags.

cmd.Flags().Duration(FlagWithdrawalPeriod, time.Hour*24, "period at which withdrawals are made from the escrow accounts")
if err := viper.BindPFlag(FlagWithdrawalPeriod, cmd.Flags().Lookup(FlagWithdrawalPeriod)); err != nil {
return nil

Within the const declaration within this file FlagWithdrawalPeriod is defined. Via this const value the command and flag resultant allows the CLI entry of provider-services run --withdrawal-period <value> during provider service initiation

FlagWithdrawalPeriod = "withdrawal-period"

3). Invoke of the doRunCmd Function

When the Provider Services run command is executed the RunE block defines downstream code execution on initiation. Primarily note the call of the doRunCmd function. This function exists in the same source code file.

The doRunCmd function when called invokes several items core to Akash Provider operation a. As the primary focus of this section is the Akash Provider service and relational Akash Proviider Operators, we will not deep dive into these critical components but will expand on such functionality in other documentation sections.

A listing of core pieces of operation invoked in the doRunCmd include:

  • Creation of Akash RPC node client for transaction monitoring and broadcasting via a call of the client.NewClientWithBroadcaster function
  • Creation of Kubernetes client for K8s cluster CRUD operations via a call of the createClusterClient function
  • Creation of Akash Provider Bid Strategy via a call of the createBidPricingStrategy function
  • Creation of REST API gateway - utilized for request/response for simple provider GET endpoints such as /status and /version and POST endpoints such as manifest receipt on lease won event - via call of the gwrest.NewServer function located in provider/gateway/rest directory.
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
return common.RunForeverWithContext(cmd.Context(), func(ctx context.Context) error {
return doRunCmd(ctx, cmd, args)

4). Interaction with Kubernetes Customer Controller - IP Operator

Within a dedicated document in this section the Akash IP Operator - a Kubernetes custom controller implementation - code is covered in detail. In this document the interaction with the IP Operator from the Akash Provider service is covered.

Cobra command flag declaration includes the following definition which allows the basic enablement of IP Leases when provider-services run is executed during Provider creation.

###Const declaration which dictates the command flag to be "ip-operator".
###The flag accepts a boolean true/false to determine if IP Leases should be enabled.
FlagEnableIPOperator = "ip-operator"
cmd.Flags().Bool(FlagEnableIPOperator, false, "enable usage of the IP operator to lease IP addresses")
if err := viper.BindPFlag(FlagEnableIPOperator, cmd.Flags().Lookup(FlagEnableIPOperator)); err != nil {
return nil

If the enableIPOperator is true an ipOperatorClient session is opened to allow Provider service to IP Operator communication.

// This value can be nil, the operator is not mandatory
var ipOperatorClient operatorclients.IPOperatorClient
if enableIPOperator {
endpoint, err := providerflags.GetServiceEndpointFlagValue(logger, serviceIPOperator)
if err != nil {
return err
ipOperatorClient, err = operatorclients.NewIPOperatorClient(logger, kubeConfig, endpoint)
if err != nil {
return err

5). Interaction with Kubernetes Customer Controller - Hostname Operator

Within a dedicated document in this section the Akash Hostname Operator - a Kubernetes custom controller implementation - code is covered in detail. In this document the interaction with the Hostname Operator from the Akash Provider service is covered.

Cobra command flag declaration includes the following definition which allows the basic enablement of IP Leases when provider-services run is executed during Provider creation.

###The AddServiceEndpointFlag function called is located in:
###Via the function argument of `serviceHostnameOperator` - which is hardcoded
###to the value of `hostname-operator` the command flag of `hostname-operator-endpoint`
###is registered via Cobra
###The `hostname-operator-endpoint` flag allows specification of the hostname
###operator address and port. If not specified during `provider-services run`
###auto discovery of the Hostname Operator address/port will occur.
if err := providerflags.AddServiceEndpointFlag(cmd, serviceHostnameOperator); err != nil {
return nil

A hostnameOperatorClient session is opened to allow Provider service to Hostname Operator communication.

hostnameOperatorClient, err := operatorclients.NewHostnameOperatorClient(logger, kubeConfig, endpoint)
if err != nil {
return err

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