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Akash Weekly with Greg Osuri: July 20, 2022

by Joe Deng


banner image for the post Akash Weekly with Greg Osuri: July 20, 2022

Akash Weekly is a regular effort hosted via Twitter Spaces to update our community about the ins and outs of Akash Network’s developments. Follow us on Twitter to be notified when Akash Weekly’s are live.

On this Spaces: CEO of Overclock Labs, Greg Osuri, and Alani Kuye, Program Manager of Overclock Labs speak with Akash Providers to discuss general ecosystem updates, and share some of our providers’ experiences using Akash Network.

Akash Ecosystem Updates

Recent Ecosystem Additions

  • AlterDapp recently joined as a contributor and cloud provider on Akash. AlterDapp also runs Altermail, a privacy-optimized messaging service that is now powered by Akash. Learn more about them, here.

  • Thirdweb is considered to be one of the best dApp development frameworks. Akash is happy to see them enjoying deploying on Akash.

  • Blockless Protocol is a protocol that was started up by a former developer of Akash. He embraced Akash’s vision from day one and made a native integration to stay decentralized.

  • Praetor App launched its Akash Providers’ map. Praetor launched a new feature that allows users of the Praetor app to check the provider dashboard, and discover providers on a map of the entire world that uses Akash. Currently, Akash has 50 providers across the globe. Click here to see for yourself.

  • Cosmo club conducted a great thorough dive into Akash. They discuss Akash, the market, and the issue they are trying to solve. They are doing excellent work in educating people about Cosmos.

Below is a quick outline of topics discussed, we invite you to dive deeper into the original recap here on our YouTube Channel.

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