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Become an Akash Founding Member and Earn Token Rewards

by Maly Ly


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As the world’s first supercloud for serverless computing, Akash needs your support to materialize our vision of empowering the architects and builders of the internet with greater access, freedom, and efficiency to create products that improve the human experience. 

In these early days, we want you to join and help us establish the foundation for a valuable and engaged community. In this effort, we’re excited to announce the Akash Founding Member Rewards Program!

Of the 100,000,000 tokens that will ever be pre-mined at genesis, we’re allocating 2% (2,000,000 AKT’s!) to a reward program for early contributors in our community.  Our reward program is inspired by projects from the community, such as Solana Tour de Sol, Cosmos Game of Stakes, and Kava Founder Rewards.

We have two genesis rewards programs to share:

1) Akash Founding Member Rewards Program

2) Akash Incentivized Staking Testnet Program

For the Akash Incentivized Staking Testnet Program, we’ll share more information at a later date.  If you are a validator, please check out our validator rewards overview, and be sure to sign up for updates.

Akash Founding Member Rewards Program

Our Founding Member Rewards Program focuses on Akash Testnet participation.  The program is limited to only 100 members and involves 3 challenges. Each challenge has a corresponding reward, for a total of 3,500 AKTs:

Wednesday, Nov. 6th:  Akash Founder Level 1, the first challenge is worth 500 AKTs.

Tuesday, Nov. 12th:  Akash Founder Level 2, second challenge is worth 1,000 AKTs.

Tuesday, Nov. 21st: Akash Founder Level 3, third challenge is worth 2,000 AKTs.

Friday, December 13th: Deadline to complete our three challenges by 5 PM PST.

Tuesday, Dec 17th:  Winners Announced!

Top Prize for Top 10 Contributors

We recognize that there are other ways of contributing to Akash’s community, such as helping others navigate through the challenges, or sharing technical guides.  

The top 10 contributing community members will receive the prototype edition of plug-an-earn Akash Supermini aka slick portable server for your home will be mailed to you! 

Simply plug it in, become a node for Akash, and earn your favorite currency from offering compute to Akash’s marketplace!

Akash Founder Level 1, Your First Challenge (500 AKT)

Reward: 500 AKT

Challenge: Deploy an end-to-end encrypted chat client on Akash and attach a custom domain.

Winners: First 100 submissions — measured by the timestamp of the git commit — that pass the qualification criteria. 

Instructions: Follow the steps in this guide.

Akash Founder Level 1 Bonus (25 AKT)

Bonus AKTs will be awarded to the community members that help us spread our vision for creating a truly open-source cloud. Sharing your experience on twitter and tagging us will earn you an additional 25 AKT. Please note, this bonus is available only upon completion of the main challenge.

Qualification Criteria

Although we do not limit anyone from participating, to claim AKT rewards:

  • You must not be a resident of any of the OFAC sanctioned countries.

  • You must pass KYC/AML verification when collecting the reward. The details for which will be posted at a later time.

Join the conversation

Subscribe to our newsletter and join our community channels on Matrix and Telegram to stay up to date and get your questions answered! And make sure to watch out for future badge announcements!

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