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The Akashian Challenge Phase 2 Week 2: Chaos is a Ladder

by Michael Gushansky


banner image for the post The Akashian Challenge Phase 2 Week 2: Chaos is a Ladder

In The Akashian Challenge Phase 2 Week 1: Capture the Orders, Challengers explored how to operate as a provider by finding and bidding on leases.

During the first two days, high traffic on the Phase 2 network caused a transaction completion issue and P2P inconsistencies. We addressed this by stopping the order flow and restarting the network from a new genesis.

On Friday July 3rd, our CEO Greg Osuri and VP of Product Jack Zampolin hosted an AMA live stream to share progress and updates on Phase 2, and presented a demo. If you missed the live stream, you can check out the video.

Today, we’re excited to launch The Akashian Challenge Phase 2 Week 2: Chaos is a Ladder, at 1600 UTC / 9:00AM PST.

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Week 2: Chaos is a Ladder


Week 2 is a test for throughput of the DEX. This will allow our team to identify performance bottlenecks in our code under realistic network conditions. The challenge builds on Challengers’ provider experience from the Week 1: Capture the Orders challenge and encourages them to explore how to operate as a tenant on the network.

Reward Opportunities:

  • Provider: Total Lease-Hours per Provider: Points awarded to the provider that accumulates the greatest total number of lease-blocks. A lease block is an open lease for one block - if a provider has two leases during one block it is counted as two lease-blocks.

  • Provider: Total Lease Count: Points awarded to the provider that accumulates the greatest total number total leases.

  • Tenant: Total Lease-Hours: Points awarded to the tenant that accumulates the greatest total number of lease-blocks. A lease block is an open lease for one block - if a tenant has two leases during one block it is counted as two lease-blocks.

  • Tenant: Total Lease Count: Points awarded to the tenant that accumulates the greatest total number total leases.

Long-Running Challenges


A reminder that long-running challenges are active for the entire Akashian Challenge and we encourage you . They’re designed to encourage participation, and present an opportunity for us to observe longer term behaviors of the network.

These long-running challenges include the following, detailed in the Phase 2 blog:

  • Validator Architecture and Monitoring
  • Network Infrastructure Support
Ready to Get Started?


  1. Review the Challenge Schedule
  2. Review the Rewards Schedule
  3. Get Started Now
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