Akash Network Provider Attributes Working Group

This working group is for figuring out the schema for how providers specify attributes and for maintaining a list of required and optional provider attributes that can be referenced by Akash Network providers.


Joining the mailing list for the group will typically add invites for the following meetings to your calendar.


  • Maxime Beauchamp (@baktun14)


  • @baktun14


  • Decide on provider attribute schema
  • Document key attibutes including features, capabilities, hostname and location
  • Figure out communication and roll out strategy to update existing providers
  • Make code changes to provider code, clients and deployment code to enforce and use the attribute schema

PRDs and other documentation

The implementation of the provider attribute schema currently resides here:

A form to use this schema has been implemented on Akash Console in the providers section: https://console.akash.network/providers

  • sig-provider
  • sig-clients
  • sig-deployments

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