Akash Network - Clients Special Interest Group (SIG)

Akash Network Clients are software and services that make it easier for tenants of all types to deploy on to Akash Providers as well as for new provider onboarding. The Akash Network community has built and supports the following deployment & provider onboarding clients at this time:

Deployment Clients

Provider Onboarding Clients

The goal of this SIG is to foster a community around each of these clients that is focused on building a roadmap for each client, capturing feedback from users, resolving issues and driving adoption of the clients. Each of these clients cater to specific Akash Network user segments and as such, drive the north star metric of driving deployemtns on Akash Network as a whole.


#1Wednesday, January 18, 2023 10:30 AM PT (Pacific Time)LinkLinkLink
#2Wednesday, February 15, 2023 10:30 AM PT (Pacific Time)LinkLinkLink
#3Wednesday, March 15, 2023 10:30 AM PT (Pacific Time)LinkLinkLink
#4Wednesday, April 19, 2023 10:30 AM PT (Pacific Time)LinkLinkLink
#5Wednesday, May 17, 2023 10:30 AM PT (Pacific Time)LinkLinkLink
#6Wednesday, June 21, 2023 10:30 AM PT (Pacific Time)LinkLinkLink
#7Wednesday, July 19, 2023 10:30 AM PT (Pacific Time)LinkLinkLink
#8Wednesday, August 16, 2023 10:30 AM PT (Pacific Time)Coming SoonComing SoonLink
#9Wednesday, September 20, 2023 10:30 AM PT (Pacific Time)LinkLinkLink
#10Wednesday, October 18, 2023 10:30 AM PT (Pacific Time)LinkLinkLink


Product Lead(s)

  • Anil Murty, Overclock Labs (@anilmurty) - Akash Console
  • Greg Osuri, Overclock Labs (@gosuri) - Akash CLI
  • Joao Luna, Quasarch (@cloud-j-luna) - Terraform Provider, Client Libraries
  • Maxime Beauchamp, Akash Console (baktun14) - Akash Console
  • Prashant Maurya, Spheron Network () - Spheron
  • Jigar Patel, Praetor (jigar-arc10) - Praetor App

Tech Lead(s)

  • Adam Bozanich, Overclock Labs (@boz)
  • Joao Luna, Quasarch (@cloud-j-luna)
  • Joseph Tary, Overclock Labs (@jtary)
  • Maxime Beauchamp, Akash Console (baktun14)
  • Deval Patel, Praetor (@deval_vora)

Program Manager(s)

  • Tyler Wright (@brewsterdrinkwater)

Sub Projects, Repositories & Relevant Work Groups

The following are projects and work-groups that sig-clients participates in or contributes to

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